Friday, September 19, 2014

Days 22-24

This week we celebrated Freedom Week, learned about text and graphic features, addition strategies, wrote complete sentences, used adjectives, and words with short e! Here are some pictures (I apologize for the sideways orientation...they're being stubborn and won't stay upright!)
Our math warm-up on Thursday...Mega Math Marathon on GoNoodle! We love GoNoodle!

Major and Chistianne playing partner games during math

Cole and Shona playing tape race!

Christian and Brooklynn having a good time during the game! :)

Major was our music star this week! :)

Today we found out that we are in FIRST place for the Book It fundraiser! Woohoo!! Go sweeties!

We used our invisble pens we earned from Book It to write secret messages on our arms!

Our Sweetie of the Week, Angelene, sharing her pictures and favorite things with the class! :)


Sweet Kaylee girl hangin' around :)

We love to slide!

Our Mystery Reader today was Lanita Talley, Caroline's "Lala"! She read The Day the Crayons Quit by Drew Daywalt and even let us keep the book!

Thank you so much for coming to read to us, Lala!

Kindergarten Freedom parade on Wednesday!

Book Character Day is THIS COMING FRIDAY, September 26, 2014. It will begin at 8 a.m., so make sure you have your outfit ready! Remember, you need to wear an appropriate outfit FROM a book. Please no Halloween costumes or outfits that are scary. I can't wait to see what everyone else is wearing.... :)
Have a wonderful weekend! See you on Monday!

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