Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Days 20 & 21

Cole earned an "Eat Lunch with the Teacher" ticket in the treasure box, so he chose Major to eat lunch with us!

We are working on our addition strategies in Math! Here, Vannedy is showing us that our addends can be put in any order and the sum will stay the same!

Sweet Samantha earned an individual "Hat Day" ticket in the treasure box and is wearing her big pink cowboy hat today! :)

Mrs. Nichols, one of our para-professionals at Roberts and in our room, was our MYSTERY READER last Friday! Thanks Mrs. Nichols!!

Starting this week, anyone that can tie their shoes independently gets a special Pete the Cat shoe to color and sign for our "Shoe Hall of Fame". Pictures to come! Here are some pictures of us practicing today:
Kaylee can tie her shoes!

Brooklynn is working hard! Keep trying! :)
Savannah and Christianne were our MVP's in P.E. today! Way to go girls!

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