Monday, March 9, 2015

Week 27

Friday we read another book from Helen Lester's Tacky the Penguin series, Three Cheers for Tacky! After we read, we came up with names to describe ourselves based on our personalities. Here are a few of those awesome writers!


"Memphis"...because he loves the Grizzlies and his dad was born there! :)
Our Sweetie of the Week showing us a picture of her dog Bella!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Week 26

We're finally back for a snow-free week!! Here's to hoping that tomorrow the weatherman will be wrong...

Vannedy and Brooklynn were our All-Stars this week! Go girls!

Sweet Cole got a coupon in the purple treasure box to read to the class! He read a Dr. Seuss book since it was Dr. Seuss's birthday on Monday.

We loved it!

Our Mystery Reader finally got to come this week after all the snow days and read a few books! We loved having Charlie's mom read to us! Thank you!!