Thursday, August 28, 2014


I can't believe how quickly time has flown! We are almost finished with our SECOND WEEK of FIRST GRADE!!!

These past two weeks have been so amazing. We have been learning so much about each other! Here a few pictures I have been meaning to post over the past two weeks:

Here we are taking a brain break with GoNoodle!!
 We talked about what it means to be a "bucket filler" and a "bucket dipper." We sure do have some sweet bucket fillers in here!
 Our homework during the first week of school was to find out how you got your name and to write about why it is perfect for you. We had some awesome stories come back, and here some of the sweeties are sharing with the class!

 Last Friday we got a chance to decorate our picture frames from the first day of school! Arlo did such a good job!!!
 Working hard on his frame!
 Brooklynn adding the finishing touches to hers.
 This week, Major and Samantha earned the MVP Award in P.E. with Coach Apsche!! WAY TO GO!!
 This week we started talking about  nouns. Look how  many we came up with!

 Getting ready to make our human body bags! We learned about the digestive system, our heart, lungs, and even a little bit about our bones!! I can't wait for these to go home tomorrow! :) Check back on the blog to see how they turn out!

 Oh goodness...Stephen earned the first MUSIC STAR award in Mrs. Pollard's class! You rock, buddy!!

A few days ago we got a chance to make replicas of ourselves to hang above our work in the hallway all year! Look how cute they turned out!

Next week we are learning about different types of weather, more nouns and proper nouns, writing simple and complex sentences using conjunctions, character feelings, and different strategies for addition!! 

Tomorrow we also have our first SWEETIE OF THE WEEK featuring John! I can't wait to see all of his pictures and hear about his favorite things!

Talk to you soon,

Ms. Wright

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Best First Day

I am extremely tired, but so glad about the reason! Today was a wonderful first day back, and I loved getting to know my students!!! We mostly learned some classroom and school rituals and routines, but we did get a chance to hear from Junie B. Jones and talk about our "First Day Jitters!"

Talk to you soon,

Ms. Wright

Friday, August 15, 2014

It's almost here!!!

can't believe how fast this summer flew by! It's that time of year again, and I'm so excited to have a new classroom full of sweet, sweet babes!!!!! 

Please check here occasionally for updates on what's going on in Our first grade classroom at Roberts!

I am so excited for the year to begin!! Here are some pictures from Meet the Teacher Night incase you didn't get to come!
I hope everyone that came enjoyed their little treats!! 
Look what some of my sweeties brought me!
Our "Sweetie of the Week" board. I can't wait for everyone to get a chance to be featured. 
Putting some finishing touches on the room. I can't wait for it to be filled with 23 beautiful faces on Monday!

A special thank you to Ms. Sherrie Nichols for helping me out today and yesterday!!! This year is going to be AMAZING!


Ms. Wright